7th International CIB Symposium, Rome,10 – 17 September, 2014
Dr. Maria Pina Scanu (Friday, 12 September)
Introducing Dr. Scanu
Listening to God in the Old Testament: Contexts and Ways
Listening to the Messiah in the New Testament
Sister Aquinata Böckmann (Saturday, 13 September)
introducing Sister Aquinata
Listen with the Ear of your Heart
Sister Mary John Mananzan (Sunday, 14 September)
introducing Sr Mary John
Listen… with the Ear of our Hearts to the Signs of the Times
The Symposium Day by Day
Tuesday, 9 September: optional trip to Monte Cassino
Wednesday, 10 September: First Day of the Symposium
Thursday 11 September: Second Day of the Symposium
Friday 12 September: Third Day of the Symposium
Saturday 13 September: Fourth Day of the Symposium
Sunday 14 September: Fifth Day of the Symposium
Monday 15 September: Sixth Day of the Symposium
Tuesday 16 September: Seventh Day of the Symposium
Pilgrimage to Subiaco
Wednesday 17 September: Final Day of the Symposium
Videos and Photos
VIDEOS (YouTube)
Opening Ritual, Entry Procession
Presentation of Photos from the Regions (short version)
Presentation of Photos from the Regions (longer version)
Presentation of Photos from the Symposium
Photos by our official Symposium photographer, Sr Colleen Quinlivan
Photos by San’Anselmo’s official photographer, Br Simon
Rapport du Symposium
Sr Thérèse-Marie Dupagne
CIB Symposium Team
Sister Mary Luke Jones from Beech Grove, Indiana, USA
Sister Lumen Gloria Dungca from Italy
Mother Araceli Escurzon, from the Philippines
Sisters Juliann Babcock from Beech Grove, Indiana, USA and Susan Barber from Atchison, Kansas, USA
Sister Mary Jane Vergotz from Erie, Pennsylvania, USA