Welcome to the CIB website!
The Communio Internationalis Benedictinarum – the CIB – was born in 2001 in Nairobi, Kenya at a meeting of representatives from women’s Benedictine communities world wide. For some thirty years prior to that event, efforts had been underway to bring together, in a sisterly bond, the nuns and sisters consociated with the Benedictine Confederation. The CIB has grown and developed in remarkable ways over the years since its birth in 2001.
While each of our communities has its own charism and unique character, we have come to recognise and appreciate our unity in the Rule of St. Benedict and in the Benedictine tradition that has flowered in countries and cultures throughout the world. The CIB has enabled us to experience in profound and concrete ways the rich expression of the Benedictine charism manifested in the lives of our communities.
The nineteen CIB regions send Delegates to the annual CIB Conference, and a Symposium is held every four years which affords an opportunity for around one hundred Benedictine women from all over the world to meet together. The ‘Meetings & Newsletters’ pages on this website provide information about these meetings. The Symposium talks are available on these pages for download, and, as well as reporting on the Conferences, the newsletters afford a valuable insight into Benedictine life in the countries where the Conferences were held.
For more detailed information about the CIB, please see the About Us page

8th International Symposium, 2018